Director Nomination Process
ActionsNomination Process:
All nominations must be made through the nominating committee. In order to be eligible to be a Director a nominee must have transacted at least $2,000.00 with the Co-operative during the preceding fiscal year of the Co-operative; must reside in the trading area; have been a member for at least two years prior to being elected a Director; is not an employee or spouse of an employee of the Co-operative; be 18 years of age and maintains a current credit account (under 90 days).
The following are the processes that must be followed in order for a nomination to stand:
1. Members who wish to be nominated for the position of Director of the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Ltd. must deliver nominating papers to the nominating committee at least 14 days before the meeting of members at which Director’s terms of office will expire.
2. All nomination papers submitted to the nominating committee must:
a. Be signed by at least two members other than the nominee
b. Be accompanied by a brief biography of the nominee, and
c. Contain the written consent of the nominee
At each annual meeting of the members when Director’s terms of office expire, the nominating committee will place before the meeting a list of nominees for the position of Director. Only members who have complied with the above stated processes are entitled to run for the position of Director.
Expectations of a Director:
As a Director of the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Limited:
• You will be an ambassador for the Gilbert Plains Co-op.
• You are the member’s liaison.
• You do not deal with member accounts, however, should you receive information on member accounts this information must be kept confidential.
• You guide management, you do not manage.
• A Director should possess integrity, be willing to articulate his or her views frankly, be able to work productively with others, and have the ability and willingness to commit the time and effort required.
• You will be fully informed regarding responsibilities and liabilities as a Director prior to a commitment to serve, and be willing to undertake appropriate training and development as may be available from time to time to members of the board.
Desired Attributes of a Director:
At the Gilbert Plains Co-op, the ideal attributes of a Director would be the following:
• Ability to act in the best interests of all members.
• Ability to focus on core issues, debate strategically if need be, and move on quickly.
• Ability to accept and support decisions once agreed upon at the board level.
• Ability to maintain a level of confidentiality on highly sensitive matters.
• Ability to assess implications of financial statements.
Nomination Papers for the Office of Director of Gilbert Plains Consumers
Co-operative Limited
I, _____________________________________, a member of the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Ltd., hereby present my name as a candidate for the position of Director of Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Ltd.
Dated this __________ day of _______________, 20____.
I hereby agree to and understand the following qualifications and state that I am eligible to be nominated.
A person is eligible to be a Director who:
a. Has transacted at least $2,000.00 with the Co-operative during the preceding fiscal year of the Co-operative;
b. Must reside within the trading area;
c. Been a member for at least two years prior to being elected a Director and has submitted a written application for membership that has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Co-operative;
d. Is not an employee or spouse of an employee of Gilbert Plains Co-op;
e. Is not less than 18 years of age;
f. Maintains a current credit account (under 90 days); and
g. Membership #: _________________________________.
Member (Nominator) signatures (2 signatures required):
____________________________________ ________________________
Member (Nominator) Signature Date
___________________________________ _______________________
Member (Nominator) Signature Date
I have read and understood the responsibilities of a Board of Director.
_____________________________________ _______________________
Nominee Signature Date
Board of Director Application
Please note that a brief biography will be prepared by the Nominating Committee from information supplied by this application for member publication. If you require more space than is available, please attach an extra sheet to this application.
Name (please print): _________________________________________
Gilbert Plains Co-op member number: __________________________
Home address: ___________________________________________________
Telephone number (Business/Home/Cell) (Please specify): ____________________________
Email address: ____________________________________
Educational Background (Description/Duration): ______________________________________________________________________________________
Work Experience (Description/Duration):
Relative Business/Financial Experience (Description/Duration):
Length of time as a member of the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Ltd. (Years):
Length of time in the community (Years):
Board Experience (Description/Duration):
Volunteer/Community Experience (Description/Duration):
Candidate’s brief statement of reasons why you are seeking election as a Director for the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Ltd.:
I, ______________________________________ (please print), authorize the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Limited to disclose the personal information listed above to members and guests of the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Limited for the purpose of becoming a Director with the Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Limited for a period of at least 2 months. The personal information that is supplied in the Board of Director Application will be used to create a biography that Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-operative Limited will then share with members so they may choose their next Director accordingly. By signing below, I give my consent to release this personal information.
Applicant’s Name (Please Print)
_________________________________ ___________________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date